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Sunday, January 26, 2020

How Motivation Influences The Job Satisfaction Level Management Essay

How Motivation Influences The Job Satisfaction Level Management Essay 1.0 Introduction This study is carried out the important of motivation to influence job satisfaction in an organization, to understand the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction in an organization. In this chapter, will be focusing on research background, research objective, problem statement, and research question. 1.1 Research background The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of motivation on job satisfaction of employee in a organization. Motivation is a basic psychological process. A recent data-based comprehensive analysis concluded that competitiveness problems appear to be largely motivational in nature (Mine, Ebrahimi, and Wachtel, 1995). The management dilemma in many organizations and how they can improve the motivation of employees in the fast paced technological environment. Motives are expression of persons need. Hence they are personal and internal. They also can be incentive on the other hand are external to the person. Motivations are made part of work environment by management in order to satisfy the employees to accomplish task. Job satisfaction is positively affects individual performance. Job satisfaction positively affects individual performance (Petty et al. 1984; Judge et al. 2001; Kim 2005) and this make it highly relevant to investigate the cause of job satisfaction. According to Luthans (1998), motivation is the process of arouses, energizes, direct, and sustains behavior and performance. That is a process to influence people action and to achieve a desired task. There is also one of the way to influence people is to employ effective motivation which make the employee more satisfied and committed to their job. Money is a motivator but is not the only motivator. There is still having other incentives which can also serve as motivator. Employee attitudes relating to job satisfaction and organizational commitment are based on the field of organizational behavior and the practice of human resources management. Attitude has direct impact on job satisfaction. On the other hand, organizational commitment is focuses on their attitudes towards the entire organization. Although the relationship between satisfaction and commitment are strong, but there are more recent research shows that commitment cause satisfaction. 1.2 Problem statement There are many reasons why managers are keep facing the problem in organization. Resources, human and material, technology are a few issues confronting managers daily. The more important is the human aspect has question that has confused managers for a long time such as how can they make some employees perform better with satisfied in their job. According to Schofield (1998), an authoritative study conducted by the Sheffield Effectiveness Programme (a joint research project between the Centre for Economic Performance at the London Stock Exchange and the Institute for Work Psychology at the University of Sheffield) has shown that the way people are managed or motivated has a powerful impact on both productivity and profitability. The study which included measurement of levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees of 67 firms, found that 5% of the profitability variance, and 16% of the productivity variance between companies may be the different variance in job satisfaction levels between their employees. This study is demonstrated the important of job satisfaction, employees motivation and commitment in an organizational capability and effectiveness. According to Watson (1994) business has come to realize that motivated and satisfied workforces can deliver powerful to the bottom line. There are still many employees all over the world do not enjoy the level of job satisfaction and work motivation, because of that they keep seeking alternative employment to experience a higher degree of job satisfaction. Such action will influence an organizations ability to be profitable and successful over n extended period of time. According to Finck, Timmers and Mennes(1998) employees are excited and motivated by what they do will help business be achieve. 1.3 Research objective To find out the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction To determine the impact of motivation towards the employees job satisfaction. To analyze the way to improve the job satisfaction by using work motivation. 1.4 Research question What are the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction? What determine the impact of motivation towards the employees job satisfaction? How work motivation can improve job satisfaction? 2.0 Literature review 2.1 The relationship between motivation and job satisfaction 2.1.1 Motivation According to Pinder(1998 in Ambrose Kulik, 1999) work motivation may be regarded as a set of internal and external forces that initiate work-related behavior, and determine its form, direction, intensity and duration. The concept related to the work and influence on work behavior of both environmental forces. In workplace, work motivation are invisible, it is depends on personal behavior and responsibility of the job. Snell (1999) says that motivation is everything. Without motivation people will not deliver to their potential even the talented people. People that are motivated will perform well and improve the personal ability. He further asserts that company staff are very important in a business due to they are the image of the company that customer see. They have the potential to enhance the quality of service and have the power to influence or reduce the company profits. According to a model developed by Herzberg, motivation is influenced by maintenance and motivational factors. The important motivational factors are the work itself, achievement, growth, responsibility, advancement and recognition. There are basic internal motivators rather than external. The Maslow and Herzberg models are similar due to its focus on needs, but the difference can be seen from the point of views. Nel, Gerber, Van Dyk, Haasbroek, Schultz, Sono and Werner(2001) describe motivation as intentional and directional. Intentional is mean to personal choice and committed of action, and directional indicates being of a driving force aimed at achieving a specific goal. A people who get motivated will know they must achieve the specific goal even in the face of adversity. 2.1.2 Job satisfaction The concept of job satisfaction will be very important now a day. Managers feel that if they responsible for maintaining high levels of job satisfaction among their staff will helps to increase the productivity, absenteeism and staff turnover (Arnold Feldman, 1986). According to Locke (1976), job satisfaction was already significant since the first part of 20th century, for example, there are over 3000 related studies were published between 1935 and 1976 which an average of on publication every five days. Job satisfaction is regarded a s related to important employee and organizational outcomes, ranging from job performance to health and longevity (Spector, 2003). According to Gibson et al (2000) job satisfaction may be defined as an individuals expression of personal well-being associated with doing the job assigned. Job satisfaction depends on the level of internal and external and how the employees view those outcomes. The outcomes of job satisfaction have different values for different people. For some people, responsible and challenging work is negative value and depending on the education level and prior experience with work providing the internal outcomes. For other people, such work outcomes may have high positive values. Those differences would influence the level of jab satisfaction on the same job tasks. Bateman and Snell(1999) say if people feel fairly treated from the outcomes they receive, or the processes used, they will be satisfied. These authors mention that a satisfied worker is not necessarily more productive than a dissatisfied one due to sometimes people are happy with their jobs which dont have to work hard. 2.2 The impact of motivation towards the employees job satisfaction All employers want their workers to perform well of their abilities and they try to provide all the necessary resources and a good working environment in order to keep their employees motivated. However, motivation is a difficult factor to manage due to every employees wants or target does not always match with what the employers provide. Motivation and job satisfaction reinforce each other and work together, if the employee is satisfied on job performance he tend to be motivated. So that understand the employee needs can give better insight to managing human motivation. Frankl(1984) suggested that, motivation reflects peoples search for meaning and that job satisfaction may reflect the degree to which people have found meaning in their work. According to Sylvia and Hutchinson (1985), true job satisfaction is derived from the gratification of higher order needs such as social relations, esteem, and self actualization rather than lower- order needs 2.3 The way to improve the job satisfaction by using work motivation Motivation is very important in an organization nowadays, but not everyone satisfy when the motivation in processes. May be that is because the employers make the wrong way to motivate their employees. Because of that, there are few strategies helps to improve the job satisfaction such as salary, wages and conditions of service, money, staff training, information availability and communication. 2.3.1 Salary, Wages and Conditions of Service To use salaries as a motivator effectively, managers which are motivator must consider four major components of a salary structures such as job rate, payment, personal or special allowances, associated with factors and side benefit. Job rate is relates to the importance the organization attached to each job. Payment is to encourage workers or group by rewarding them according to their performance. Personal or special allowances, associated with factors are the scarcity of particular skills or certain categories of information professionals or with long service. Last but not least, side benefit represent holiday with pay, pensions, and so on. It is also important to ensure the salary structure of the organization will retained the same level of the market salary structure. 2.3.2 Money According to Akintoye(2000), money remains the most significant motivational strategy. Money is the major factor which able to motivate employee to increase the productivity of the company (Taylor, 1911). Incentive system will be able to improve job satisfaction, high performance, commitment. Katz, in Sinclair, et al. (2005) emphasizes the motivational power of money through the process of job choice. He explains that money has a very strong power to attract or motivate individually to achieve higher performance. For example, a employee will simple shift company for the greater financial reward of the job, if the differences of the workload of the job is similar with the current job. Banjoko(1996) mentions that many managers use money to reward or punish workers. 2.3.3 Staff Training No matter how computerized an organization, high productivity depends on the level of motivation and the effectiveness of the workforce. Staff training is an essential strategy for motivating workers. An organization must have good training programme. This will give the employee opportunities for self-improvement and development to meet the challenges and requirements of new equipment and new techniques of performing a task. 2.3.4 Information Availability and Communication One way managers can stimulate motivation is to give relevant information on the consequences of their actions on others (Olajide, 2000). According the researcher, there is no known organizations in which people do not usually feel there should be improvement in the way department communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with one another. Information availability brings a powerful pressure between the employees, where two or more people running together will run faster than when running alone. By sharing information, subordinates compete with one another. 2.4 Theoretical framework Motivation n Salary, Wages and Condition of Service Job Satisfaction Money Staff Training Information Availability and Communication Dependent variable Independent variable 2.4.1 Analysis path The framework shows that the two variables in the research proposal, motivation is the independent variable. From this research I have identify that salary, wages and condition of service, money, staff training, information availability and communication are the motivational factors that affect job satisfaction level. The dependent variable in this research would be job satisfaction. From the framework, we will understand the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction will be interrupt by the motivation method or strategies. On the other hand, motivation strategy is also able to enhance the job satisfaction level. 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Introduction In this section, we slightly describe the research methodology use in the study to know how motivation affects in job satisfaction and using the data collection to analysis the data for the study. To find out the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction, impacts and the strategy to improve job satisfaction level in a organization. 3.2 Data Resources According to Bell (1995), primary data are such data that does not yet include any interpretations and analysis from other people. Secondary data on the other hand is data that is analyzed and include someones interpretation of the data (Bell, 1995). Secondary data was chosen for this research due to the cost and time saving for collect data that needed for the research (Hair, Money, Samouel, and Page, 2007), According to Saunders et al (2007), primary data is expensive which compare to secondary data. In additional, Hair et al (2007) emphasizes that most of the secondary data are free of charge or either can be purchase in a cheaper price. 3.3 Data Analysis Procedure The secondary resources needed in order to be able to fulfill the purpose of this proposal are mainly journal articles and textbook. When searching for secondary data search engine such as Google Scholar, Emerald and others. KBU International College has provided student a huge variety of reference books. Google search engine is the advancement of technology which allowed us to get information conveniently and quickly to obtain various journals from the website which allowed us to understand the research objectives. Emerald website which can access through it using Anglia Ruskin University account is easy to obtain various journals which needed for the research. Less text book are used in this research as the source from the library about our research questions. 3.4 Hypothesis Null Hypothesis H0: There is no relationship between motivation and job satisfaction Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is a relationship between motivation and job satisfaction Null Hypothesis H0: Motivation cannot affect job satisfaction level Alternative Hypothesis H2: Motivation can affect job satisfaction Null Hypothesis H0: Motivation unable to improve job satisfaction Alternative Hypothesis H3: Motivation able to improve job satisfaction 4.0 Limitation The research could have done more accurately if more resources which could be obtain to support the research. There are limited resources provided in KBU International College library. However, KBU does provide student access to Emerald Insight website which contains many research journals and the college had already paid the fee, but student are still allowed to access to the website within the college premises. In additional, this research only used secondary data collection which easy to obtain. Most of the secondary data come from other authors opinion and their personal findings. Because of that, this research may be inaccuracy due to the opinion from the author might disagree with research and opinion done by other author around the world. 5.0 Ethical consideration The information of the people who provide information to the study would not show to the others when the study done to protect the human right of privacy. There is the action that should be taken. The information provider are willing to provide the information to finish the study and not being force. During the research, the information collected would not be modify as to maintain the accuracy of the information which been collected. 6.0 Executive Summary From the study done, we know that the motivation was so important in an organization which can affect the job satisfaction level. By the way, the relationship between the employee motivation and job satisfaction using the right way to motivate the employee; thus enhancing the job satisfaction level and the organization at the same time. When motivation and job satisfaction are reinforced together as one, motivation and job satisfaction can increase the working performance of employees. Besides that, there are several strategies used to enhance the working performance. The strategies used are such as; Salary, Wages and Conditions of Service strategy, Money strategy, Staff Training strategy, and lastly the Information Availability and Communication strategy. Using all this strategy will further develop the working condition to the highest level of job satisfaction. To sum it up as a whole, motivation and job satisfaction are co-related because when the motivation to work increases, emp loyee will have a higher job satisfaction, thus creating maximum output for the organization. 7.0 Gantt Chart Activity FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY Week number 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 Read literature Finalize objectives Draft literature review Read methodology literature Devise research approach Draft research strategy and method Enter data into computer Draft findings chapter Update literature read Complete remaining chapters Submit to tutor and await feedback Revise draft, format for submission Print, bind Submit

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Education and Martin Luther King

Education is a fundamental way of life. A means to learn something new, the intention is to mentally, physically, and emotionally benefit the person by putting them in a better place than they were previously in before. This is an example of what my dad said â€Å"If could, if I had the power to change something. It would be education, the fundamental base in everyone’s life. † Education is something that leads us to reach our goals and to be successful in life. So primary, we need education to be successful. Education includes moral values, and much more.But nowadays the meaning of education is misunderstood by people. Without education nothing is Achieve. Education is very important in every human life. Some people are not to be educated but they intense is too reached their goals, in my view education means which lead us to our destiny. If you think about Education, it gives us a basic knowledge about our surroundings. It is the first step that helps begin our journe y to reach success. We can reach success without education but we have to work hard or try till we reach our goal or success.Education is not only the way for us to reach our success, but it's just a step to reach knowledge. Education is must for every person on today's life education has become a basic need of every one's life it is a key to success. Education is the key to all we need in life without education and knowledge no one can be successful. Education is necessary for success. Martin Luther King Jr, wrote that‘’ Education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so they can forever trample over the masses’’, meaning that education will give us the things necessary to overcome all obstacles in our life.The need for Education encourages us to be successful. Educations are what leads a human to being successful, and make an improvement in life. Malcolm X provides an argument which states that education is important no matter whe re it is received. Education helps us to understand ourselves better also it helps us to learn about our strengths and weaknesses. Omar Bradley wrote that â€Å"education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.’’How can it that someone can be taught something and they grasp the whole concept of it, they understand it fully and still they don’t use it in their life as if the things they were taught meant nothing to them† A fundamental desire of parents is for their children to have a better education. Every parent dreams for their children to be successful in life and that all starts with education, our parents know the true meaning of work, they don’t want us to go through the struggles they went through to be where they are now.They instruct us to do the best in school from pre-k to college because they know it will help us in the long run. They inspire us to do better not only for our futures b ut also our kid’s future. Education gives us a lot of opportunities, not only for us but people around me and our futures children. Education is something that we need in life, something that we need to do so we can become successful in life, education gives us opportunities like jobs, and it gives us a better life. Without education our world would not continue to expand and evolve. Education and Martin Luther King Education is a fundamental way of life. A means to learn something new, the intention is to mentally, physically, and emotionally benefit the person by putting them in a better place than they were previously in before. This is an example of what my dad said â€Å"If could, if I had the power to change something. It would be education, the fundamental base in everyone’s life. † Education is something that leads us to reach our goals and to be successful in life. So primary, we need education to be successful. Education includes moral values, and much more.But nowadays the meaning of education is misunderstood by people. Without education nothing is Achieve. Education is very important in every human life. Some people are not to be educated but they intense is too reached their goals, in my view education means which lead us to our destiny. If you think about Education, it gives us a basic knowledge about our surroundings. It is the first step that helps begin our journe y to reach success. We can reach success without education but we have to work hard or try till we reach our goal or success.Education is not only the way for us to reach our success, but it's just a step to reach knowledge. Education is must for every person on today's life education has become a basic need of every one's life it is a key to success. Education is the key to all we need in life without education and knowledge no one can be successful. Education is necessary for success. Martin Luther King Jr, wrote that‘’ Education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so they can forever trample over the masses’’, meaning that education will give us the things necessary to overcome all obstacles in our life.The need for Education encourages us to be successful. Educations are what leads a human to being successful, and make an improvement in life. Malcolm X provides an argument which states that education is important no matter whe re it is received. Education helps us to understand ourselves better also it helps us to learn about our strengths and weaknesses. Omar Bradley wrote that â€Å"education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.’’How can it that someone can be taught something and they grasp the whole concept of it, they understand it fully and still they don’t use it in their life as if the things they were taught meant nothing to them† A fundamental desire of parents is for their children to have a better education. Every parent dreams for their children to be successful in life and that all starts with education, our parents know the true meaning of work, they don’t want us to go through the struggles they went through to be where they are now.They instruct us to do the best in school from pre-k to college because they know it will help us in the long run. They inspire us to do better not only for our futures b ut also our kid’s future. Education gives us a lot of opportunities, not only for us but people around me and our futures children. Education is something that we need in life, something that we need to do so we can become successful in life, education gives us opportunities like jobs, and it gives us a better life. Without education our world would not continue to expand and evolve.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Extraordinary Circumstance Review

Introduction and Aim of the Review This review of WorldCom is based on the Extraordinary Circumstances by Cynthia Cooper. The purpose of review report is to conclude whether WorldCom satisfied the Code of Ethics and the Attribute and Performance Standards set forth by the IIA. Background WorldCom was one of the largest telecom companies in the world during 1996 to 2002. The company helped to grow a small regional company that bought and re-sold long distance in the South into an international behemoth that operated in over 65 countries.However, in 2002, the senior management and employees perpetrated a massive fraud, and in June, WorldCom announced that it had â€Å"misstated† its financial statements over the last five quarters by $3. 8 billion. After coming out this scandal, WorldCom went bankrupt, and it has been the largest bankruptcy ever. Analysis Based on the book Cynthia Cooper wrote, WorldCom didn’t comply with the Code of Ethics and the Attribute and Performan ce Standards. Fraud The internet bubble that burst in March, 2000 is followed with much larger and more devastating collapse: Telecom.WorldCom’s financial statements were far worse than expectation that would result in stock price fall, downgrading company and most importantly—losing capital to acquire companies. Then CEO and CFO were planning to change the financial statements with mid-level accountants. They thought if the financial statements were better in next quarter, they could cover the change. But things didn’t go according to plan. They had to change the number until the whistle blew. Lack of risks assessment During the WorldCom expansion, CEO, Bernie led the company through 70 acquisitions in less than 20 years.Bernie was too audacious to expand the company without consideration. For example, when board didn’t want to invest any more capital or incur more debt on telecom, Bernie mortgaged everything he had to buy TMC outright. The strategy help s LDDS expand, but also planted bomb in the company which exploded in the future. Gambling rather than risk control When World Com was acquiring other companies, some were not willing to receive a combination of cash and stock. They would sell the stock as soon as they get.In order not to let the stock price fall, the executives in WorldCom bought the stock instead at a discount price. Luckily, as the result, the stock price went up dramatically. Low internal Audit department position Internal audit department was a dispensable unit in the company and didn’t get high attention during that time. Unlike external counterparts, internal auditors are usually employees of the companies they audit. Some companies choose to have only a small, token group, others none at all, and others outsource the function altogether, sometimes to the same public accounting firm performing the external audit.Cynthia Cooper was announced to be the director of internal auditing by CEO, Bernie. They p robably had some deals under table during CEO fraud. Individual manipulation and lacking of proficiency LDDS was too big to have so many employees reporting to CEO, Bernie directly. Meanwhile, Bernie doesn’t have technical telecom or financial training and he was only interested in what he liked and understood. His goal was to make WorldCom to be the NO. 1 stock on Wall Street rather than capture market share or be global which implied the tragedy of WorldCom.He continuously acquired the other companies to make WorldCom bigger and bigger without deep consideration, even paid the price to lose his confidants. Lack of programs improvement WorldCom was praised as a â€Å"fast-growth† company—a rate of growth usually achievable only by external acquisition, not organic internal evolution. If WorldCom ever stops acquiring, growth will most likely slow, which will negatively impact analysts’ ratings and WorldCom’s stock price. The main business in WorldC om is not real telecom business; instead, it’s a acquiring and resell business.Thus, there were no improvement or clear organic structures in the company. What’s more, WorldCom didn’t have its own wireless network and it only sells wireless service, which would result in loss revenue later. Lack of after acquiring testing WorldCom acquired 65 companies successfully until the failure of acquiring Sprint. Internal auditing department only employed 10 people to monitor the huge company. Not mention to monitor and test the acquired companies. Lack of auditing CEO During the golden period of WorldCom, Bernie obtained loan from plenty banks which related to the stock price of the company.As long as WorldCom stock stayed higher above a level, banks wouldn’t issue a margin call, requiring Bernie to come up with the cash to pay down enough of the loan to bring the collateral to remain at a certain percent of the loan. As a result, when the stock market fluctuated in 2002, WorldCom stock price went down below the certain level, and the board had to help Bernie to pay the loan, or the stock price will keep falling as the banks lose confidence in WorldCom and sell stocks one after another.But at the beginning, there was no one to control Bernie not to borrow money and take that risk to pay marginal call. Conclusion WorldCom was proved to be a big success and a tragedy in the history. Its strategy of expansion through acquiring constantly helped it grow-up to be a top 100 company in the stock market. However, it’s precisely because this â€Å"crazy† acquiring method let the WorldCom ignore the foundation of operating activities. Investors neglect the cash flow statements rather than totally relied on the equity return.As the internal department, it didn’t play a good role in assurance and consulting activities for the acquiring process. Since the department wasn’t gain enough attention from the board and was usually i nfluenced by the executives, like CEO—Bernie, it was hardly to let them perform well under the Bernie’s control. In this case, Bernie was seen as â€Å"Gods† in WorldCom and there was no one came up with objections, even some will oppose the acquiring, but at last Bernie still could do what he wants.Even Cynthia found there was a fraud from the new CEO and CFO after Bernie left WorldCom. It still couldn’t prevent the tragedy Bernie planted before. At the same time, this case also gives a lesson that power should be divided rather than central control, and the person who holds the power should have the enough capability and professional knowledge. ——————————————– [ 2 ]. On page 52 [ 3 ]. On page 57 [ 4 ]. On page 77 [ 5 ]. On page 84 [ 6 ]. On page 129 [ 7 ]. On page 175 [ 8 ]. On page 127 [ 9 ]. On page 152 [ 10 ]. On page 172 [ 11 ]. On page 183

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Operation and Strategy management for Ryanair - 2421 Words

MSc Management Strategy and Operations Management 2013 / 2014 - GLASGOW MMN220511 Shaishav Kharwar (Mat No: 200813679) Course work 1 Resit Report on RYANAIR Module Leader Dr.Colin Combe Introduction The company chosen in this report is Ryanair in the airline industry. Ryanair is a low cost budget airline travelling across 1600 routes from 57 bases connecting 180 destinations in 29 different countries (Ryanair.com). Ryanair first started its operations in 1985 between Ireland and London. The first year it commuted around 5000 customers but the company really took off in 1990 when Michael O’ Leary was appointed the CEO of the company. The company†¦show more content†¦This, therefore not only attracted middle class customers but also people on business. The airline industry especially in Europe has had a last few troublesome years due to natural disasters that have cost the company extensive amounts. To point out a few, the ash cloud in 2010 cost the company 29.7 million Euros (Irish times, 2011) and these are huge costs for the airline to bear and thus, to compensate these compensation chargers Ryanair now chargers a â‚ ¬2 levy to compensate these claims in the future (Irish times, 2011). Technological: In the current climate technology plays an important part in the airline industry. Firstly, with the increasing fuels costs, fuel efficient aircrafts can save the companies a substantial amount of money. Another way is the internet; with the growth of internet all the companies’ use online advertising to push the sales and television advertising is also second to none. The internet is also a medium where people look for cheap airline tickets. In the case of Ryanair, the company makes the utmost use of technology to cut the human involvement out and thus keeping the costs down. It has a very good online ticket booking system where 85% of its tickets are booked (Ryanair.com). In 2009, Ryanair introduces the self-service kiosks whereby the passengers can check in using the machine and thus taking the human element out of the equation. This service was alreadyShow MoreRelatedStrategy - Ryanair1400 Words   |  6 PagesStrategic Management Formative Assignment - Dec 2011 Z0928183 INTRODUCTION Ryanair was founded in 1985 with only two aircrafts and a single Dublin-London route . By 2010 Ryanair had transformed itself into Europe s leading low cost airlines with 232 aircrafts flying to 153 destination. Ryan Air s strategic objective has been to offer the lowest possible air fare to its passengers and strive towards becoming europe No.1 Low Cost airlines. 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